Every year we call on businesses near and far to support our Race for Education by requesting a donation to our RFE Awards Assembly. We use these prizes to incentive, motivate and reward our staff, students and their families for being a huge part in the funds we raise to be able to provide multiple educational programs, assemblies, field trips, materials and equipment to our school. Without these businesses and their donations, we would be missing one of the most exciting pieces of the Race for Education fundraising event, and that is giving back!
Below is a list of all the businesses who have donated a prize for us to raffle off to students for their participation in the fundraiser. Some establishments have supported us for years (The Grand Theater and Chic Fil A). Some, this is their first year. It is our pleasure to recognize and show our appreciation for their support. The best way to SHOW our appreciation and support however, is to visit their businesses and utilize their gift cards, passes and coupons!
The Grand Theater has been graciously donating hundreds of movie passes each year which helps us reward students and their families. The Grand Theater is located on Main Street in East Greeneville. With its quaint ambiance and single movie screen, it makes for the perfect rainy/snowy day activity to take the kids and enjoy a movie. These passes expire in May of 2023. Click on the link for more information about movies that are currently playing and times.
Chic Fil A, Quakertown location, has also been a long time supporter donating hundreds of kids meal gift cards. Every year they are eager to support us! We thank them for their generous donation! These gift cards you may have seen already are valid to use at the Quakertown location. Please note, the gift cards expire in June of 2023.
To our prize winners – please take note of their expiration dates and enjoy the family fun experiences!
Thank you again to everyone who has participated and donated and been a part of Guth Elementary Schools largest fundraiser, the Race for Education!
*If you are interested in being a part of our Race For Education committee, please reach out to guthrfe@gmail.com.